There is also some sort of query system allowing to get raw data in easily re-usable formats by defining searches. I was able to get pretty far with the system, selecting for all measles deaths stats in the 20th century, but for some reason was not able to get to usable data. If somebody knows how to use this tool and obtain the data I would be very interested to know what I did wrong, as it seems like a very cool tool.
Raw Data
Measles Deaths per 100 000 population, per year, extracted manually from the documents in the Sources section
Note: I could not find the data for 1939 anywhere, it is missing from all the documents I searched. I left the year empty/missing in my data, so the graphing tool/template will simply trace a line from 1938 to 1940 directly. I do not think this will have a very big impact on what the data shows overall.
If somebody has the data I would be very interrested in it. Or if you have some explanation for why I couldn't find it, that would be great too.
It just now occurs to me that 1939 isn't just any year, maybe that's related?
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