Kontent qismiga oʻtish


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Avtomobilni Yevropa yangi avtomobillarni baholash dasturiga muvofiqligini tekshirish natijalarini ko'rsatish uchun shablon. Iltimos, uni boshqa reytinglar bilan to'ldirmang va ma'lumot manbai sifatida http://www.euroncap.com/ saytining mos sahifasiga havolani taqdim eting.

Parametrlari Purpose 1997-2003 2004-2008 2009-
year Year the test was done YesY YesY YesY
description Short description of the car, usually just the vehicle name YesY YesY YesY
align The table is displayed on the left/right with other text on the other side. Uses the entire line width if the align parameter is not present. YesY YesY YesY
reference Optional reference YesY YesY YesY
reference_name Optional reference name. Don't use space or '_' YesY YesY YesY
reference_code Optional reference code YesY
reference_url Optional reference URL YesY YesY
overall_stars Overall star rating YesY
adult_points Adult points YesY
adult_percent Adult percentage YesY
adult_stars Adult rating in stars YesY YesY
adult_score Adult score YesY YesY
child_points Child score YesY
child_percent Child percentage YesY
child_stars Child rating in stars YesY
child_score Child score YesY
pedestrian_points Pedestrian score YesY
pedestrian_percent Pedestrian percentage YesY
pedestrian_stars Pedestrian rating in stars YesY YesY
pedestrian_score Pedestrian score YesY YesY
safety_points Safety assist score YesY
safety_percent Safety assist percentage YesY

2009 fevraldan keyingi avtomobil tajribalari uchun andoza

[manbasini tahrirlash]
 |model             = 
 |yil                = 2009
 |havola             = 
 |hayotga mosligi = yes/no
 |umumiy reyting      = 
 |yo'lovchi foizi   = 
 |yoshbola foizi    = 
 |piyoda foizi    = 
 |faol havfsizlik foizi = 
 |test versiyasi = 2009
Euro NCAP requires a year parameter

1997 yildan 2008 yilgacha boʻlgan avtomobillar tajribasi andozasi (yoshbola reytingi bor)

[manbasini tahrirlash]
 |model             = 
 |yil                = 
 |havola             = 
 |hayotga mosligi = yes/no
 |yoʻlovchi yulduz    = 
 |yoshbola yulduz     = 
 |piyoda yulduz     = 
 |yoʻlovchi ball     = 
 |yoshbola ball      = 
 |piyoda ball      = 
Euro NCAP[1]
umumiy reyting
- %
- %
- %
- %
katta yoshli
yoshbola piyoda faol
Sinalgan model:
Ford Focus Trend 1.6, 5-esh. xetchbek (2004)

1997-yildan 2003-yilgacha boʻlgan avtomobil sinov andozasi (bu erda bolalar reytingi yoʻq)

[manbasini tahrirlash]
 |model             = 
 |yil                = 
 |havola             = 
 |hayotga mosligi = yes/no
 |yoʻlovchi yulduz    = 
 |piyoda yulduz     = 
 |yoʻlovchi ball     = 
 |piyoda ball      = 
Euro NCAP[2]
umumiy reyting
- %
- %
- %
- %
katta yoshli
yoshbola piyoda faol
Sinalgan model:
Nissan Almera Tino 1.8 Luxury (2001)