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Ernest Borgnine

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Ernest Borgnine
Ermes Effron Borgnino

24-yanvar 1917-yil
Hamden, Connecticut, A. Q. Sh.
Vafoti 8-iyul 2012-yil(2012-07-08)
(95 yoshda)
Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1947-2012
Bolalari 4

Ernest Borgnine (/ˈbɔːrɡnn/, 1917-yil 24-yanvar — 2012-yil 8-iyul) amerikalik aktyor boʻlib, uning karyerasi oltmish yildan ortiq davom etgan. U oʻzining qoʻpol, ammo boʻshashgan ovozi va tishli Cheshire mushukining jilmayishi bilan ajralib turardi[1]. Mashhur ijrochi, u koʻplab tok-shoularda mehmon sifatida va bir nechta oʻyin shoularida panelist sifatida ishtirok etgan.

Borgnine Ermes Effron Borgnino 1917-yil 24-yanvarda Konnektikut shtatining Hamden shahrida[2][3] italyan immigrantlari oilasida tugʻilgan. Uning onasi Anna (1894- tax. 1949[4]), Modena yaqinidagi Karpi shahridan, otasi Camillo Borgnino (1891—1975)[5] Alessandriya yaqinidagi Ottiglio shahrida tugʻilgan[6]. Borgninning ota-onasi u ikki yoshida ajralishdi va u onasi bilan Italiyada taxminan toʻrt yarim yil yashadi. 1923-yilga kelib, uning ota-onasi yarashishdi, familiyasi esa Borgninodan Borgninega oʻzgartirildi va otasi oʻz ismini Charlesga oʻzgartirdi. Borgninning singlisi Evelin Borgnin Velardi ham (1925—2013) bor edi[7].

Dengiz xizmati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Aktyorlik faoliyati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

U Hartforddagi Randall drama maktabida aktyorlik boʻyicha tahsil oldi, keyin Virjiniyaga koʻchib oʻtdi va u yerda Virjiniya shtatining Abingdon shahridagi Barter teatriga aʼzo boʻldi[8]. U rejissyorning Buyuk Depressiya davridagi naqd pulsiz yillarida tomoshabinlarga mahsulot almashishiga ruxsat bergani uchun nomlangan. 1947-yilda Borgnine Ittifoq holatida oʻzining birinchi sahna rolini oldi. Bu qisqa rol boʻlsa-da, u tomoshabinlarni oʻziga tortdi. Uning keyingi roli Tennessi Williamsning „The Glass Menagerie“ filmidagi Gentleman Calller roli edi.


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Eslamalar
1951 China Corsair Hu Chang
The Whistle at Eaton Falls Bill Street
The Mob Joe Castro
1953 Treasure of the Golden Condor Bit part
The Stranger Wore a Gun Bull Slager
From Here to Eternity Staff Sergeant James R. „Fatso“ Judson
1954 Johnny Guitar Bart Lonergan
Demetrius and the Gladiators Strabo
Bounty Hunter, TheThe Bounty Hunter Bill Rachin
Vera Cruz Donnegan
1955 Bad Day at Black Rock Coley Trimble
Violent Saturday Stadt, Amish Farmer
Marty Marty Piletti Academy Award
Golden Globe Award
National Board
Run for Cover Morgan
Last Command, TheThe Last Command Mike Radin
The Square Jungle Bernie Browne
1956 Jubal Shep Horgan
Catered Affair, TheThe Catered Affair Tom Hurley
Best Things in Life Are Free, TheThe Best Things in Life Are Free Lew Brown
Three Brave Men Bernard F. „Bernie“ Goldsmith
1958 Vikings, TheThe Vikings Ragnar
Badlanders, TheThe Badlanders John „Mac“ McBain
Torpedo Run Lieutenant / Lieutenant Commander Archer „Archie“ Sloan
1959 The Rabbit Trap Eddie Colt Locarno International Film Festival Award
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll Roo Webber
1960 Man on a String Boris Mitrov
Pay or Die Police Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino Nominatsiya — Golden Laurel
1961 Go Naked in the World Pete Stratton
Black City Peppino Navarra
Last Judgement, TheThe Last Judgement Pickpocket
The Italian Brigands Sante Carbone
Barabbas Lucius
1964 McHaleʼs Navy Lt. Commander Quinton McHale, Sr
1965 Flight of the Phoenix, TheThe Flight of the Phoenix Trucker Cobb
1966 Oscar, TheThe Oscar Barney Yale
1967 Chuka Sergeant Otto Hansbach
Dirty Dozen, TheThe Dirty Dozen Major General Sam Worden
1968 Man Who Makes the Difference, TheThe Man Who Makes the Difference Himself Hujjatli qisqa film
Legend of Lylah Clare, TheThe Legend of Lylah Clare Barney Sheean
Split, TheThe Split Bert Clinger
Ice Station Zebra Boris Vaslov
1969 Wild Bunch, TheThe Wild Bunch Dutch Engstrom
Bullet for Sandoval, AA Bullet for Sandoval Don Pedro Sandoval
1970 Adventurers, TheThe Adventurers Fat Cat
Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came? Sheriff Harve
1971 Sam Hill: Who Killed Mr. Foster? Deputy Sam Hill
Willard Al Martin
Bunny OʻHare Bill Green / William Gruenwald
Hannie Caulder Emmett Clemens
The Trackers Sam Paxton
Rain for a Dusty Summer The General
1972 World of Sport Fishing, TheThe World of Sport Fishing Himself Hujjatli
Film Portrait
Ripped Off Captain Perkins
Revengers, TheThe Revengers Hoop
Poseidon Adventure, TheThe Poseidon Adventure Detective Lieutenant Mike Rogo
1973 Emperor of the North Pole Shack
Neptune Factor, TheThe Neptune Factor Chief Diver Don MacKay
Legend in Granite Vince Lombardi
1974 Twice in a Lifetime Vince Boselli
Law and Disorder Cy
Sunday in the Country Adam Smith
1975 Devil's Rain, TheThe Devil's Rain Jonathan „John“ Corbis
Hustle Santuro
1976 Holiday Hookers Max
Shoot Lou
1977 Fire! Sam Brisbane
Greatest, TheThe Greatest Angelo Dundee
Crossed Swords John Canty
1978 The Ghost of Flight 401 Dom Cimoli
Cops and Robin Joe Cleaver
Convoy Natoosha County Sheriff Lyle 'Cottonmouth' Wallace of Arizona
1979 Ravagers Rann
Double McGuffin, TheThe Double McGuffin Mr. Firat
Black Hole, TheThe Black Hole Harry Booth
1980 When Time Ran Out Detective Sergeant Tom Conti
Super Fuzz Sergeant Willy Dunlop
1981 High Risk Clint
Escape from New York Cabbie
Deadly Blessing Isaiah Schmidt Nominatsiya — Razzie Award
1983 Young Warriors Lieutenant Bob Carrigan
Carpool Mickey Doyle
1984 Code Name: Wild Geese Fletcher
Love Leads the Way: A True Story Senator Brighton
Man Hunt Ben Robeson
1985 Alice in Wonderland The Lion
1988 Skeleton Coast Colonel Smith
The Opponent Victor
Spike of Bensonhurst Baldo Cacetti Nominatsiya — Independent Spirit Award
Big Turnaround, TheThe Big Turnaround Father Lopez
Moving Target Captain Morrison
1989 Gummibärchen küßt man nicht Bischof
Laser Mission Professor Braun
Jake Spanner, Private Eye Sal Piccolo
1990 Any Manʼs Death Herr Gantz
Appearances Emil Danzig
Tides of War Doctor
1991 Last Match, TheThe Last Match Coach
Mountain of Diamonds Ernie
1992 Mistress Himself Cameo
1993 Tierärztin Christine Dr. Gustav Gruber
Hunt for the Blue Diamond [de] Hans Kroger
1994 Outlaws: The Legend of O. B. Taggart Sheriff Laughton
1995 Tierärztin Christine II: The Temptation Dr. Gustav Gruber
Captiva Island Arty
1996 The Wild Bunch: An Album in Montage Himself Dublyaj,. Hujjatli
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 Carface Carruthers Dublyaj
Merlinʼs Shop of Mystical Wonders Grandfather
1997 Ernest Borgnine on the Bus Himself Hujjatli
McHaleʼs Navy Admiral Quinton McHale, Sr. (a.k.a. Cobra)
Gattaca Caesar
1998 Small Soldiers Kip Killigan Dublyaj
BASEketball Ted Denslow
12 Bucks Lucky
Mel Grandpa
An All Dogs Christmas Carol Carface Carruthers Dublyaj
1999 Abilene Hotis Brown
Lost Treasure of Sawtooth Island, TheThe Lost Treasure of Sawtooth Island Ben Quinn
Last Great Ride, TheThe Last Great Ride Franklin Lyle
2000 Castle Rock Nate
Hoover J. Edgar Hoover Yordamchi prodyuser
Kiss of Debt, TheThe Kiss of Debt Godfather Mariano
2002 11’09"01 September 11 Pensioner
Whiplash Judge DuPont
2003 American Hobo, TheThe American Hobo Narrator Hujjatli
The Long Ride Home Lucas Moat
2004 Blueberry Rolling Star
Barn Red Michael Bolini
Trail to Hope Rose, TheThe Trail to Hope Rose Eugene
Blue Light, TheThe Blue Light Faerie King
2005 That One Summer Otis Garner
3 Below Grandpa
Rail Kings Steamtrain
2006 The Bodyguard’s Cure Jerry Warden
2007 Oliviero Rising Bill
Grandpa for Christmas, AA Grandpa for Christmas Bert OʻRiley
2008 Strange Wilderness Milas
I Am Somebody: No Chance in Hell [it] Judge Holliday
Frozen Stupid Frank Norgard
2010 Enemy Mind Command Dublyaj
Genesis Code, TheThe Genesis Code Carl Taylor
Red Henry / Recordskeeper
Another Harvest Moon Frank
2011 Night Club Albert
Lion of Judah, TheThe Lion of Judah Slink Dublyaj
Loveʼs Christmas Journey Nicolas
Snatched Big Frank Baum
2012 The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez Rex Page
  1. „Ernest Borgnine Biography“. Qaraldi: 4-oktabr 2016-yil.
  2. "Ernest Borgnine". International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers 4th Ed.. 3: Actors and Actresses. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. 2006: "Born: Ermes Effron Borgnino in Hamden, Connecticut, January 24, 1917 (some sources say 1915 or 1918).": St. James Press. 2000. 
  3. Clooney, Nick. The Movies That Changed Us: Reflections on the Screen. Simon and Schuster, 2003 — 114-bet. ISBN 0-7434-1044-0. 
  4. „Contessa Anna-Maria de Boselli“. geni_family_tree.
  5. „Charles Borgnine“. geni_family_tree.
  6. „Ernest Borgnine Biography (1917– )“. filmreference.com. Qaraldi: 8-noyabr 2012-yil.
  7. „Evelyn Velardi Obituary: View Obituary for Evelyn Velardi by Mt. View Mortuary & Cemetery, San Bernardino, CA“. Qaraldi: 10-oktabr 2013-yil.
  8. Gates, Anita. „Ernest Borgnine, Tough but Tender Actor, Is Dead at 95“. The New York Times (8-iyul 2012-yil).