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Vikipediya:Forum/Arxiv/Texnik savollar/2021

Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya


[manbasini tahrirlash]

Per Phabricator, I would like to request that a bureaucrat approve InternetArchiveBot for this wiki. InternetArchiveBot identifies dead links and adds archive URLs where available, and also adds links to books where appropriate. Harej (munozara) 23:19, 20-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)

Hi, Harej! Done. Malikxan munozara 14:37, 21-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)

Global andozalar / Global templates

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Barchaga salom!

MediaWikida foydalanuvchilar/developerlar guruhi andoza va modullarni globallashtirish taklifini ilgari surishmoqda. Hozirda salkam Vikimedia saytlarining barchasida, andozalar va Lua modullari mavjuddir. Biroq, Vikimedianing biror loyihasida yaratilgan andoza/modulni boshqa loyihasida ishlatish imkoniyati mavjud emas. Bu esa, yangi tahrirchilar uchun ham, kichik loyihalar uchun ham qiyinchilik tugʻdiradi. Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyada ham andozalar boʻyicha qilinishi kerak boʻlgan ishlar talaygina. Ularning aksari chala yoki buzuq andozalar. Andozalarni globallashtirish amalga oshsa, Vikiombordagi suratlar kabi andozalarni ham Vikimedia loyihalarida boʻlishish imkoniyati yaratiladi. Bu taklif maʼqullansa, keyingi qadam oʻlaroq andozalarni globallashtirish taklifini Vikimedia Jamgʻarmasi yillik rejasiga kiritish hamda uni ishlab chiqish uchun grant olish rejasi mavjud. Shu sababdan, bu borada fikr-mulohazalaringizni bildirishingizni soʻrab qolaman! Malikxan munozara 14:45, 31-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)

  1.  Roziman. Andozalarni globallashtirish amalga oshsa, bir andozani Vikimedianing istalgan loyihasida ishlatish imkoni boʻladi. Bu yangi qoʻshilgan foydalanuvchilarga osonlik tugʻdiradi hamda oʻzbekcha Vikipediyadagi koʻplab chala/yaratilmagan andozalar muammosiga yechimdir. Malikxan munozara 15:04, 31-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)
  2.  Roziman. — Kagansky (munozara) 15:07, 31-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)
  3.  RozimanAsadbek Botirqulov (munozara!) 16:35, 31-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)
  4.  RozimanMuxriddin Azimov (munozara) 19:22, 31-Yanvar 2020 (UTC)
  5.  Roziman. Nataev munozara 02:53, 1-Fevral 2021 (UTC)
  6.  Roziman - Xusinboy Bekchanov (munozara) 04:02, 1-Fevral 2021 (UTC).
  7.  Roziman - Akmaljon Nabiev (munozara) 06:05, 1-Fevral 2021 (UTC)
  8.  Roziman - Gayrat98 (munozara) 13:40, 1-Fevral 2021 (UTC)
  9.  Roziman - Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 15:37, 10-Fevral 2021 (UTC)

@Abdulla, Akmaljon Nabiev, Asadbek Botirqulov, Amir Temur, Changez36, Gayrat98, Jamshid Nurkulov, ITPRO.UZ, Kagansky, Khamid Solikhov Khasan azim1, Mavluda Satiyeva, MirshohidIsmatov, Msingca, Muxriddin Azimov, Nataev, Nataeva, PlanespotterA320, Umarxon III, Vikichizar, Xusinboy Bekchanov, sizlardan bu haqda fikringizni bildirishingizni soʻrab qolaman. Malikxan munozara 14:55, 31-Yanvar 2021 (UTC)

 Bajarildi. Malikxan munozara 17:23, 10-Fevral 2021 (UTC)

Technical maintenance planed‬

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Coolest Tool Award 2021: Call for nominations

[manbasini tahrirlash]

The third edition of the m:Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations!

Tools play an essential role for the Wikimedia projects, and so do the many volunteer developers who experiment with new ideas and develop and maintain local and global solutions to support the Wikimedia communities. The Coolest Tool Award aims to recognize and celebrate the coolest tools in a variety of categories.

The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December. Deadline to submit nominations is October 27. More information: m:Coolest Tool Award. Thanks for your recommendations! -- SSethi (WMF) for the 2021 Coolest Tool Academy team 05:57, 19-Oktabr 2021 (UTC)

Community Wishlist Survey 2022 is coming. Help us!

[manbasini tahrirlash]

The Community Wishlist Survey 2022 starts in less than two weeks (Monday 10 January 2022, 18:00 UTC). We, the team organizing the Survey, need your help.

Only you can make the difference

How many people will hear and read about the Survey in their language? How many will decide to participate? Will there be enough of you to vote for a change you would like to see? It all depends on you, volunteers.

Why are we asking?

  • We have improved the documentation. It's friendlier and easier to use. This will mean little if it's only in English.
  • Thousands of volunteers haven't participated in the Survey yet. We'd like to improve that, too. Three years ago, 1387 people participated. Last year, there were 1773 of them. We hope that in the upcoming edition, there will be even more. You are better than us in contacting Wikimedians outside of wikis. We have prepared some images to share. More to come.

What is the Community Wishlist Survey?

It's an annual survey that allows contributors to the Wikimedia projects to propose and vote for tools and platform improvements. Long years of experience in editing or technical skills are not required.

Thanks, and be safe and successful in 2022! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 03:15, 29-Dekabr 2021 (UTC)