Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Foydalanuvchi Wolverène hissasi

15 ta tahrirga sohib foydalanuvchi. Hisob 2014-yil 25-aprelda yaratilgan.
Hissalarni qidirishYoyishYigʻish

2023-yil 26-aprel

  • 08:3908:39, 2023-yil 26-aprel farq tarix −2 k Golubika Pls note that {{Avtomatik taksonquti}} adds automatically Turkum:Hayvonlar (the category for animals?), but bog bilberry is obviously a plant, not an animal. That template should be fixed in some way.
  • 08:3608:36, 2023-yil 26-aprel farq tarix −775 Golubika Sorry but as far as I see the page contains rough translation from Russian, in the part related to common Russian names of bog bilberry (why is it important at all?). So I have to remove it. The other thing that I'm removing won't be understandable out of the context, I couldn't re-write it because I don't speak the language.

2022-yil 10-avgust

2020-yil 15-yanvar

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2014-yil 23-iyul