Barcha ochiq qaydlar
Vikipediyadagi barcha jurnallar roʻyxati. Natijalarni jurnal nomi, foydalanuvchi nomi (harflar katta-kichikligi inobatga olinadi) yoki sahifa nomi boʻyicha saralashingiz mumkin.
- Biror foydalanuvchi amalga oshirgan qaydni topish uchun uning foydalanuvchi nomini „Ijrochi“ oynasiga kiriting.
- Biror foydalanuvchi yoki sahifaga nisbatan amalga oshirilgan qaydni topish uchun ulardan birining nomini „Moʻljal“ oynasiga kiriting.
- 11:54, 2024-yil 30-oktyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Foydalanuvchining oʻchirilgan sahifalari sahifasini yaratdi („[{{{1|}}}/0/noredirects/deleted {{{1|}}}ning oʻchirilgan sahifalari]“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 17:02, 2024-yil 15-yanvar Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Vikipediya:Oʻchirishga/Beda qandalasi sahifasini yaratdi („== Beda qandalasi == Bu maqolani oʻchirmaslik kerak. OʼzME variantiga qaytaraman - ~~~~.“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 17:01, 2024-yil 15-yanvar Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Vikipediya:Oʻchirishga/Radiatsion genetika sahifasini yaratdi („== Radiatsion genetika == Bu maqolani oʻchirmaslik kerak. OʼzME variantiga qaytaraman - ~~~~.“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 06:30, 2023-yil 19-aprel Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Shamanlik sahifasini yaratdi (Shomonlikga yoʻnaltirildi) Teglar: Yangi yoʻnaltirish Koʻrib tahrirlagich: Switched
- 14:38, 2022-yil 9-noyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Vikipediya:Oʻchirishga/2022-11-09 sahifasini yaratdi („== Jizzax don mahsulotlari aksiyadorlik jamiyati == VP:TOʻM#M6 va VP:TOʻM#U10 : Agar ensiklopedik ahamiyatga ega boʻlmaganda Oʻzbekiston Milliy Ensiklopediyasigda bu maqola boʻlmas edi. Shuning uchun qoldirish kerak. Reklama masalasida - maqola reklama ohangida yozilmagan, bu maqola ustida koʻpchilik olimlar ishlagan - ~~~~.“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:41, 2022-yil 27-oktyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Oʻzbekiston ekologik partiyasi sahifasini oʻchirdi (tarkibi: „{{Siyosiy partiya bilgiqutisi|tasvir=|bayroq=|bosh shtab=Toshkent (O‘zbekiston)|sayt=[]|Pastki palatadagi o'rindiqlar={{Composition bar|15|150|DodgerBlue}} (IV chaqiriq)|Pastki palatadagi o'rindiqlar_parametr=O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisining Qonunchilik palatasi|tarqatish sanasi=8 yanvar 2...“)
- 08:39, 2022-yil 27-oktyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Munozara:O‘zbekiston ekologik partiyasi sahifasini Munozara:Oʻzbekiston ekologik partiyasiga koʻchirdi
- 08:39, 2022-yil 27-oktyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa sahifa nomini O‘zbekiston ekologik partiyasidan Oʻzbekiston ekologik partiyasiga yoʻnaltirish ustidan koʻchirdi
- 08:39, 2022-yil 27-oktyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa deleted redirect Oʻzbekiston ekologik partiyasi by overwriting (Deleted to make way for move from "O‘zbekiston ekologik partiyasi")
- 08:39, 2022-yil 27-oktyabr Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Oʻzbekiston ekologik partiyasi sahifasini yaratdi (Oʻzbekiston ekologik partiyasiga yoʻnaltirildi) Teglar: Yangi yoʻnaltirish vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 05:24, 2022-yil 28-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Turkum:Ayollar sahifasini yaratdi (Created blank page) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 05:23, 2022-yil 28-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Turkum:Zulfiya nomidagi davlat mukofoti sohiblari sahifasini yaratdi (Created blank page) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 14:48, 2022-yil 13-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Munozara:Minhojiddin Mirzajonovich Hojimatov sahifasini Munozara:Minhojiddin Mirzoga koʻchirdi
- 14:48, 2022-yil 13-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Minhojiddin Mirzajonovich Hojimatov sahifasini Minhojiddin Mirzoga koʻchirdi
- 14:48, 2022-yil 13-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Minhojiddin Mirzo sahifasini oʻchirdi (Deleted to make way for move from "Minhojiddin Mirzajonovich Hojimatov")
- 10:39, 2022-yil 5-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa RASH.IHTning guruhlardagi aʼzoligini (yoʻq)dan IP-chetlashtirishlardan mustasnoga oʻzgartirdi (Ruxsat berdim)
- 10:30, 2022-yil 5-iyul Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa disabled the global block on munozara locally (Ruxsat berdim.)
- 10:42, 2022-yil 23-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Bilgiquti 2 sahifasini oʻchirdi (tarkibi: „{{#if:{{{имя|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{{имя|}}}|-||{{#if:{{{цвет|}}}|{{#tag:templatestyles| |wrapper=.infobox-{{#invoke:Hash|main|{{{имя}}} {{{вверху0|}}} {{{вверху|}}} {{{вверху2|}}}}} |src=Andoza:Цвет/{{{цвет|}}}.css }}}}}}}}<table class="infobox infobox-{{#invoke:Hash|main|{{{имя}}} {{{вверху0|}}} {{{вверх...“ (faqat bitta muallifi bor edi: „Abdulloh avgc“) (munozara))
- 10:40, 2022-yil 23-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Bilgiquti 2 (4 ta versiyasi) sahifasini tikladi (Vaqtinchalik)
- 10:36, 2022-yil 23-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Wikidata 2/media sahifasini yaratdi („local p = {} -- Константы local contentLanguageCode = mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(); function p.formatCommonsCategory( context, options, value ) local link = 'commons:Category:' .. value local title = value .. ' на Викискладе' if ( options['text'] and options['text'] ~= '' ) then title = options['text'] end commons = '' .. title .. '' --Commons icon if ( not options['icon']...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 13:53, 2022-yil 20-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Surʼatni formatlash sahifasini Andoza:Suratni formatlashga koʻchirdi (Toʻgʻri nomi)
- 12:26, 2022-yil 16-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa M Xasanboyning guruhlardagi aʼzoligini (yoʻq)dan IP-chetlashtirishlardan mustasnoga oʻzgartirdi
- 09:02, 2022-yil 12-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Wikidata/number sahifasini yaratdi („local p = {} function p.formatVisualMagnitude ( context, options ) if ( not context ) then error( 'context not specified' ); end; if ( not options ) then error( 'options not specified' ); end; min = context.selectClaims( options, 'P1215[P1227:Q76596947][rank:normal,rank:preferred]' ) max = context.selectClaims( options, 'P1215[P1227:Q76596417][rank:normal,rank:preferred]' ) if ( not min or not max) then -- показываем как об...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 09:00, 2022-yil 12-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Wikidata/url sahifasini yaratdi („local p = {} local function formatLangRefs( options ) local langRefs = '' if ( options.qualifiers and options.qualifiers.P407 ) then for i, qualifier in pairs( options.qualifiers.P407 ) do if ( qualifier and qualifier.datavalue and qualifier.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' ) then local wbStatus, langRefEntity = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntityObject, ) if ( langRefEntity and langRefEntity.cla...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 03:30, 2022-yil 12-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Wikidata/Flags sahifasini yaratdi („local p = {}; function p.getFlag( parseTimeFromSnak, countryEntityOrId, actualDate ) local flagClaims; if type( countryEntityOrId ) == "string" then flagClaims = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements( countryEntityOrId, 'P41' ) elseif countryEntityOrId and and then flagClaims = end if not flagClaims or #flagClaims == 0 then return nil; end local countryFlags =...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 03:30, 2022-yil 12-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Wikidata/Places sahifasini yaratdi („local categorizeByPlace = true; local WDS = require( 'Module:WikidataSelectors' ); local Flags = require( 'Module:Wikidata/Flags' ); local p = { config = { hideSameLabels = false, hidePartOfLabels = false, hideUnitsForCapitals = true, reverseOrder = false, catAmbiguousGeoChains = 'Категория:Википедия:Страницы с неоднозначными геоцепочками', catLoopInGeoChains = '[[Категор...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 16:42, 2022-yil 11-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Wikidata/config sahifasini yaratdi („-- Property configuration for Wikidata module return { global = { separator = ', ', conjunction = ' и ', }, presets = { ['catonly'] = { datatype = 'wikibase-item', conjunction = '', invisible = true, ['value-module'] = 'Wikidata/item', ['value-function'] = 'formatCategoryOnly', references = '', category = 'P910', }, ['country'] = { datatype = 'wikibase-item', ['claim-module'] = 'Wikidata/Places',...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 06:55, 2022-yil 10-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa 100 AQSh dollari sahifasini yaratdi (Yuz AQSh dollariga yoʻnaltirildi) Teglar: Yangi yoʻnaltirish vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 14:44, 2022-yil 6-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Footnotes/whitelist sahifasini yaratdi („--[[--------------------------< W R A P P E R _ T E M P L A T E _ D E F A U L T S >---------------------------- A list of wrapper templates by their canonical names – spelling and capitalization is important. Each wrapper template has a table of two values: [1] is the wrapper's default name-list as it is used in an anchor ID; [2] is the default year. This table is indexed indirectly through the wrapper_templates table. This table is not avail...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 14:43, 2022-yil 6-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Footnotes/anchor id list/data sahifasini yaratdi („-- copied from Module:Ref info/data - maybe overkill here? -- for this application make lists from the redirect lists and force all template names first character uppercase require('Module:No globals'); --[[--------------------------< C S 1 _ T E M P L A T E _ P A T T E R N S >------------------------------------ These are patterns for cs1 templates and their redirects. These patterns exclude redirects that are vcite-like which redirects should...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 14:42, 2022-yil 6-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Footnotes/anchor id list sahifasini yaratdi („require('Module:No globals'); local data = mw.loadData ('Module:Footnotes/anchor id list/data'); local whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Footnotes/whitelist'); local Lang_obj = mw.language.getContentLanguage(); -- used by template_list_add() to uppercase first letter of template name TODO: better way to do that? local redirects_date = { ['date'] = true, ['datetomos'] = true, ['formatdate'] = true, ['isotodmymdy'] = true, ['isotomos'] =...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 09:31, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Infobox mapframe/doc/parameters/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{Documentation subpage}} <!-- Add categories where indicated at the bottom of this page and interwikis at Wikidata --> Parameter documentation for {{tl|Infobox mapframe}}, and infoboxes using Module:Infobox mapframe (<code>auto</code> function). == Usage == In the ''documentation page'' of the target template (could be the infobox), add {{tlx|Infobox mapframe/doc/parameters}}. :Parameter options are: * Set {{para|noprefix|yes}} to show without...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 09:31, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Infobox mapframe/doc/parameters sahifasini yaratdi („<noinclude>{{Documentation}}</noinclude><includeonly>{{float|{{navbar|Template:Infobox mapframe/doc/parameters|plain=y}}}}</includeonly><nowiki></nowiki> *Basic parameters:{{#if:{{{noprefix|}}}||<nowiki></nowiki> **'''mapframe''' – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. ''Default:'' {{{mapframe|no}}} **'''mapframe-caption''' – Caption for the map. ''Default'': {{{mapframe-caption|''blank'' (or if {{para|mapframe-geom...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 09:30, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Module other/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{Documentation subpage}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES WHERE INDICATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE --> {{Template shortcut|ns828}} This is the {{tl|module other}} meta-template. This template helps other templates detect if they are on a "Module:" page or some "other" type of page. === Usage === This template usually takes two parameters, like this: <pre> {{module other | Module page text | Other pages text }} </pre> If the template is on a "Modu...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 09:29, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Module other sahifasini yaratdi („{{#switch: <!--If no or empty "demospace" parameter then detect namespace--> {{#if:{{{demospace|}}} | {{lc: {{{demospace}}} }} <!--Use lower case "demospace"--> | {{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACE}}|{{ns:Module}} | module | other }} }} | module = {{{1|}}} | other | #default = {{{2|}}} }}<!--End switch--><noinclude> {{documentation}} <!-- Add categories to the /doc subpage, not here! --> </noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 09:27, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:GetParameters sahifasini yaratdi („local p = {} --[[ Helper function that populates the argument list given that user may need to use a mix of named and unnamed parameters. This is relevant because named parameters are not identical to unnamed parameters due to string trimming, and when dealing with strings we sometimes want to either preserve or remove that whitespace depending on the application. ]] function p.getParameters( frame_args, arg_list ) local new_args = {}; lo...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 08:52, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Uses Wikidata/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{Merge from|Module:Tracks and uses Wikidata{{#if:{{#titleparts:{{FULLPAGENAME}}||2}}|/{{#titleparts:{{FULLPAGENAME}}||2}}}}}} <!-- Add categories where indicated at the bottom of this page and interwikis at Wikidata --> This module is used by {{tlx|Uses Wikidata}}, {{tlx|Tracks Wikidata}}, {{tlx|Tracks and uses Wikidata}} and {{tlx|Wikidata property}}. == Usage == <code><nowiki>{{</nowiki>#invoke:Uses Wikidata|usesProperty}}</code> <includeonly...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:52, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Uses Wikidata sahifasini yaratdi („local p = {} function p.usesProperty(frame) local args = frame.getParent(frame).args or nil if mw.text.trim(args[1] or '') == '' then args = frame.args end local result = '<ul>' local ii = 1 while true do local p_num = mw.text.trim(args[ii] or '') if p_num ~= '' then local label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(p_num) or "NO LABEL" result = result .. "<li>middle|4px|link=|alt= <b><i>[[d:Property talk:" .....“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 08:51, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Uses Wikidata sahifasini yaratdi („{{Sister project | position = {{{position|}}} | project = data | text = This {{module other|module|template}} uses {{#if:{{{section|}}} | one or more Wikidata properties; see § {{{section}}} for details. | the Wikidata propert{{#if:{{{2|}}}|ies|y}}: {{#invoke:Uses Wikidata|usesProperty}} }}}}{{#switch:{{SUBPAGENAME}} |sandbox |testcases |doc= <!--no category--> |#default={{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}} |Uses Wikidata ||{{...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:49, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:OS coord/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{Documentation subpage}} {{High-use}} {{Lua|Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates}} This template creates a link to a list of map sources. It is the same as {{tl|coord}} but uses a UK Ordnance Survey grid reference as the coordinates. == Usage == Use: :'''<nowiki>{{Ordnance Survey coordinates|cc|tt}}</nowiki>''' Where: * '''cc''' is the grid reference in one of the formats listed below followed, optionall...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:48, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:OS coord sahifasini yaratdi („{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates| oscoord}}<noinclude> {{documentation}}<!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --></noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:47, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Gbmaprim sahifasini yaratdi („{{OS coord|{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}_region:GB_scale:25000}}|{{{2|}}}|name={{{2|}}}}}<noinclude> {{documentation|Template:Gbmapping/doc}} </noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:47, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Ordnance Survey coordinates/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{Documentation subpage}} {{High-use}} {{Lua|Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates}} This template creates a link to a list of map sources. It is the same as {{tl|coord}} but uses a UK Ordnance Survey grid reference as the coordinates. == Usage == Use: :'''<nowiki>{{Ordnance Survey coordinates|cc|tt}}</nowiki>''' Where: * '''cc''' is the grid reference in one of the formats listed below followed, optionall...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:46, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Ordnance Survey coordinates sahifasini yaratdi („{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates| oscoord}}<noinclude> {{documentation}}<!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --></noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:46, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Gbmapping sahifasini yaratdi („{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{#if:{{yesno|{{{cap|}}}}}|Grid|grid}} reference {{Ordnance Survey coordinates|{{{1}}}_region:GB_scale:25000|{{{1}}}}}}}<noinclude> {{documentation}} </noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:45, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Modul:Ordnance Survey coordinates sahifasini yaratdi („-- Lat Long functions in Lua -- Ported to Lua from PHP by Wikipedia User Hike395, 18 Aug 2019 -- found by RWH at -- With thanks to Andy, G4JNT for inspiration in GEOG, and to the OSGB for their white paper on coordinate transformation -- describing the iterative method used -- thanks to the Ordnance survey of Ireland for details of the true and false origins of the Irish grid -- You may use...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi)
- 08:43, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Gbmapping/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{documentation subpage}} {{Lua|Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates}} ==Templates creating links to a Map sources page == All of these templates create a link to a "Map sources" page, using the British Ordnance Survey National Grid: {| class="wikitable" |- ! Input !! Output |- | | {{tlx|gbmapping|SU 616 687}} | {{Gbmapping|SU 616 687}} |- | | <code><nowiki>{{gbmapping|cap=1|SU 616 687}}</nowiki></code> | {{Gbmapping|cap=1|SU 616 687}} |- | | {{...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:43, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Gbmappingsmall sahifasini yaratdi („{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|oscoord|{{{1}}}_region:GB_scale:25000|{{{1}}}|name={{{name|}}}}}}}<noinclude> {{documentation|Template:Gbmapping/doc}} <!-- Add cats and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --> </noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:42, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Wdib/doc sahifasini yaratdi („{{Documentation subpage}}{{short description|Wrapper template for Module:WikidataIB}} {{Lua|Module:WikidataIB}} <!-- Please place categories where indicated at the bottom of this page and interwikis at Wikidata (see Wikipedia:Wikidata) --> A wrapper template for the getValue call in Module:WikidataIB == Usage == Examples of {{q|P106}} for {{q|Q42}}: {{nowiki template demo|format=inline|output=nowiki+|code=<nowiki>{{Wdib |P106 |qid=Q42 |fwd...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
- 08:42, 2022-yil 5-iyun Xusinboy Bekchanov munozara hissa Andoza:Wdib sahifasini yaratdi („{{#invoke:WikidataIB|getValue}}<noinclude> {{documentation}} </noinclude>“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi) Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017