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The Idol musiqalari

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Kanadalik qoʻshiqchi-qoʻshiqlar muallifi The Weeknd tomonidan 2023-yilda HBO telekanalidagi (u tomonidan yaratilgan va rol oʻynagan) The Idol seriali uchun yaratilgan original musiqa 2023-yil 9-iyun va 2023-yil 3-iyul oraligʻida chiqarilgan oltita alohida EP lardan iborat. Dastlab, musiqa 2023-yil 30-iyun kuni The Idol, Vol. 1 nomi bilan saundtreklar albomi sifatida XO va Republic Records orqali chiqarilishi rejalashtirilgan edi[1][2]. Biroq, keyinchalik 2023-yil 8-iyun kuni shouning original qoʻshiqlari va instrumentallarini oʻz ichiga olgan EPlar har bir epizod chiqqani keyin yoki oldin chiqarilishi eʼlon qilindi[3]. EPlar Mike Dean, Lily-Rose Depp, Suzanna Son, Future, Moses Sumney, Jenny, Ramsey, Lil Baby va Troye Sivanning mehmon ishtiroklarini oʻz ichiga oladi.

Albom bir nechta EPga aylantirilishidan oldin, uni targʻib qilish uchun ikkita singl chiqarildi: 2023-yil 21-aprelda amerikalik reper Future ishtirokida „Double Fantasy“ va 2023-yil 2-iyun kuni amerikalik reper Playboi Carti va amerikalik qoʻshiqchi Madonna bilan hamkorlikda „Popular“[4][5][6]. Garchi „Double Fantasy“ keyinchalik The Idol Episode 2 (Music from HBO Original Series) da chiqarilgan boʻlsa-da, „Popular“ EPlarning birortasiga kiritilmagan va mustaqil qoʻshiqqa aylangan. Janubiy koreyalik qoʻshiqchi Jenny va fransuz-amerikalik qoʻshiqchi Lily-Rose Depp bilan hamkorlikda yaratilgan „One of the Girls“ dastlab The Idol Episode 4 (Music from HBO Original Series) ga kiritilgan va keyinroq, 2023-yil 8-dekabrda uchinchi singl sifatida chiqarilgan[7].

The Idol Episode 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Weeknd, Mike Dean va Lily-Rose Depp mini-albomi
Chiqarilgan sanasi 9-iyun, 2023-yil(2023-06-09)
Davomiyligi 7:56
  • XO
  • Republic Records
The Weeknd xronologiyasi
„Live at SoFi Stadium“
The Idol Episode 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“

The Idol Episode 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series) — The Idolning birinchi epizodi, „Pop Tarts & Rat Tales“ ning musiqalaridan iborat mini-albom. EP 2023-yil 9-iyun kuni chiqarilgan va ikkita qoʻshiqdan iborat: Lily-Rose Depp tomonidan shouda ijro etilgan „World Class Sinner / I’m A Freak“ va Mayk Dean tomonidan yozilgan hamda The Weeknd vokalini oʻz ichiga olgan shouning asosiy qoʻshigʻi „The Lure“.

Treklar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)dagi treklar ro'yxati
1.„The Lure (Main Theme)“ (
2.„World Class Sinner / I’m a Freak“ (Lily-Rose Depp)
  • Tesfaye
  • Asa Taccone
Asa Taccone3:19
Jami davomiyligi:7:57

The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Weeknd, Mike Dean va Suzanna Son mini-albomi
Chiqarilgan sanasi 12-iyun, 2023-yil(2023-06-12)
Davomiyligi 13:09
  • XO
  • Republic Records
  • Metro Boomin
  • Mike Dean
  • Sage Skolfield
  • Sam Levinson
  • The Weeknd
The Weeknd xronologiyasi
The Idol Episode 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)ga kiritilgan singllar
  1. „Double Fantasy“
    Chiqarilgan sana: 2023-yil 21-aprel

The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series) – The Idolning ikkinchi epizodi, „Double Fantasy“ ning musiqalaridan iborat mini-albom. EP 2023-yil 12-iyun kuni chiqarilgan va uchta qoʻshiqdan iborat: Suzanna Son va The Weeknd ijrosidagi „Family“, Mike Dean tomonidan bastalangan „Devil’s Paradise“ instrumental musiqasi va amerikalik reper Future ishtirokidagi The Weeknd tomonidan oldindan chiqarilgan „Double Fantasy“.

Treklar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)dagi treklar ro'yxati
1.„Family“ (
2.„Devil’s Paradise“ (Mike Dean)
  • Dean
  • Samuel Levinson
  • Dean
  • Sam Levinson
3.„Double Fantasy“ (
  • The Weeknd
  • Future
  • Tesfaye
  • Dean
  • Leland Wayne
  • Nayvadius Cash
  • The Weeknd
  • Dean
  • Metro Boomin[a]
Jami davomiyligi:13:10

The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Weeknd va Moses Sumney mini-albomi
Chiqarilgan sanasi 19-iyun, 2023-yil(2023-06-19)
Davomiyligi 13:09
  • XO
  • Republic Records
  • Metro Boomin
  • Mike Dean
  • Moses Sumney
  • Oneohtrix Point Never
  • Roman GianArthur
  • Sam Levinson
  • Sensei Bueno
  • The Weeknd
The Weeknd xronologiyasi
The Idol Episode 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“

The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series) – The Idolning uchinchi epizodi, „Daybreak“ ning musiqalaridan iborat mini-albom. EP 2023-yil 19-iyun kuni chiqarilgan va uchta qoʻshiqdan iborat: The Weeknd tomonidan ijro etilgan „A Lesser Man“ va „Take Me Back“ va Moses Sumney tomonidan ijro etilgan „Get It B4“.

Treklar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series)dagi treklar ro'yxati
1.„A Lesser Man“ (The Weeknd)
2.„Take Me Back“ (The Weeknd)
  • Tesfaye
  • Dean
  • Jason Quenneville
  • The Weeknd
  • Dean
  • Metro Boomin[a]
3.„Get It B4“ (Moses Sumney)
  • Jarrett Goodly
  • Moses Sumney
  • Roman GianArthur
  • Moses Sumney
  • Roman GianArthur
  • Sensei Bueno
  • Oneohtrix Point Never[b]
Jami davomiyligi:13:09

The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Weeknd, Jennie va Lily-Rose Depp mini-albomi
Chiqarilgan sanasi 23-iyun, 2023-yil(2023-06-23)
Davomiyligi 10:41
  • XO
  • Republic Records
The Weeknd xronologiyasi
The Idol Episode 3 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)ga kiritilgan singllar
  1. „One of the Girls“
    Chiqarilgan sana: 2023-yil 8-dekabr

The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series) — bu The Idolning toʻrtinchi epizodi, „Stars Belong to the World“dan olingan musiqalardan iborat mini-albom. EP 2023-yil 23-iyunida chiqarilgan va uchta qoʻshiqdan iborat: The Weeknd, Jennie va Lily-Rose Depp hamkorligidagi „One of the Girls“; The Weeknd tomonidan ijro etilgan John Lennonning „Jealous Guy“ qoʻshigʻiga kaver va The Weeknd, Depp va Ramsey tomonidan „Fill the Void“[8]. „One of the Girls“ EPning birinchi singli sifatida 2023-yil 8-dekabrda chiqdi[9].

Treklar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)dagi treklar ro'yxati
1.„One of the Girls“ ()
2.„Jealous Guy“ (The Weeknd)John Lennon
  • The Weeknd
  • Dean
3.„Fill the Void“ (
  • The Weeknd
  • Lily-Rose Depp
  • Ramsey
  • Tesfaye
  • Dean
  • Fisher
  • The Weeknd
  • Dean
  • Ramsey
Jami davomiyligi:10:41

The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Weeknd, Lil Baby va Suzanna Son mini-albomi
Chiqarilgan sanasi 30-iyun, 2023-yil(2023-06-30)
Davomiyligi 8:09
  • XO
  • Republic Records
The Weeknd xronologiyasi
The Idol Episode 4 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Idol Episode 5 Part 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“

The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)The Idolning beshinchi epizodi „Jocelyn Forever“dan olingan musiqalardan iborat ikkita mini-albomning birinchi qismidir. EP epizod premerasidan soʻng chiqarildi va ikkita qoʻshiqdan iborat: The Weeknd tomonidan ijro etilgan „Like a God“ va The Weeknd, Lil Baby va Suzanna Son hamkorligidagi „False Idols“.

Treklar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)dagi treklar ro'yxati
1.„Like a God“ (The Weeknd)
2.„False Idols“ (
  • The Weeknd
  • Lil Baby
  • Suzanna Son
  • Tesfaye
  • Dean
  • Son
  • Dominique Jones
  • The Weeknd
  • Dean
Jami davomiyligi:8:09

The Idol Episode 5 Part 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 5 Part 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
The Weeknd, Lily-Rose Depp va Suzanna Son mini-albomi
Chiqarilgan sanasi 3-iyul, 2023-yil(2023-07-03)
Davomiyligi 10:16
  • XO
  • Republic Records
  • Bram Inscore
  • Mike Dean
  • Ramsey
  • Sage Skolfield
  • The Weeknd
The Weeknd xronologiyasi
The Idol Episode 5 Part 1 (Music from the HBO Original Series)“
The Idol Episode 5 Part 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)
„Hurry Up Tomorrow“

The Idol Episode 5 Part 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series) — The Idolning beshinchi epizodi „Jocelyn Forever“dan olingan musiqalardan iborat ikkita mini-albomning ikkinchi qismidir. EP epizod premerasidan soʻng chiqarildi va uchta qoʻshiqdan iborat: The Weeknd va Lily-Rose Depp tomonidan ijro etilgan „Dollhouse“, Troye Sivan ijro etgan Jorj Xarrisonning „My Sweet Lord“ qoʻshigʻining kaver versiyasi va Suzanna Sonning „Crocodile Tears“ qoʻshigʻi.

Treklar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
The Idol Episode 5 Part 2 (Music from the HBO Original Series)dagi treklar ro'yxati
1.„Dollhouse“ ()
2.„My Sweet Lord“ (Troye Sivan)George Harrison
  • The Weeknd
  • Dean
  • Bram Inscore[b]
3.„Crocodile Tears“ (Suzanna Son)Suzanna SonSage Skolfield3:03
Jami davomiyligi:10:16
The Idol, Vol. 1ning chartlardagi oʻrni
Grafik (2023) Eng yuqori


Australian Albums (ARIA)[10] 73
  1. Mamo, Heran (2023-04-12). „The Weeknd Offers 'Just a Taste' of 'The Idol' Soundtrack“. Billboard (ingliz (Amerika)). Qaraldi: 2023-12-24.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: url-status ()
  2. Galindo. „The Weeknd Announces Soundtrack for Upcoming HBO Series 'The Idol'“ (en-US). American Songwriter (2023-yil 14-aprel). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 24-dekabr.
  3. Spanos, Brittany (June 9, 2023). „The Weeknd and Lily-Rose Depp Roll Out New Music From HBO's 'The Idol'. Billboard (ingliz (Amerika)). Qaraldi: December 24, 2023.
  4. Denis, Kyle (2023-05-31). „The Weeknd Teases New Madonna & Playboi Carti Single for 'The Idol' Soundtrack“. Billboard (ingliz (Amerika)). Qaraldi: 2023-12-24.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: url-status ()
  5. Mamo, Heran (2 June 2023). „The Weeknd, Madonna & Playboi Carti Come Together on 'Popular' Track: Stream It Now“. Billboard. Qaraldi: 24 December 2023.
  6. Dunworth. „The Weeknd teams up with Madonna and Playboi Carti for 'Popular'“. NME (2023-yil 2-iyun). Qaraldi: 2023-yil 2-dekabr.
  7. Zemler, Emily (June 23, 2023). „Hear The Weeknd, Lily-Rose Depp, Blackpink's Jennie Team Up on 'One of the Girls'. Rolling Stone. June 23, 2023da asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: June 23, 2023.
  8. @theweeknd. „Jealous Guy / One of the Girls with Lily and Jennie/ Fill the Void with Lily and Ramsey TOMORROW NIGHT ❤️‍🔥“. Qaraldi: 2023-yil 24-dekabr.
  9. „One of the Girls - Single by The Weeknd, JENNIE, Lily-Rose Depp“. Spotify.
  10. „The ARIA Report: Week Commencing 10 July 2023“. The ARIA Report. № 1740. Australian Recording Industry Association. July 10, 2023. 6-bet.

[[{{Turkum:The Weeknd]]